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Website Terms


WEBSITE TERMS: MacDonald Capital Pty Ltd ACN 642 520 474 (MacDonald Capital) is a corporate authorised representative (CAR) (CAR Number 1292288) of Boutique Capital Pty Ltd ACN 621 697 621 (Boutique Capital) AFSL 508011.


MacDonald Capital has taken all reasonable care in producing all the information contained in the website including but not limited to reports, tables, maps, diagrams and photographs.


However, MacDonald Capital will not be responsible for loss or damage arising from the use of this information. The contents of this website should not be used as a substitute for detailed investigations or analysis on any issues or questions the reader wishes to have answered.


You may download the information for your own personal use or to inform others about our materials, but you may not reproduce or modify it without our express permission.


To the extent to which this website contains advice it is general advice only and has been prepared by the Company for individuals identified as wholesale investors for the purposes of providing a financial product or financial service, under Section 761G or Section 761GA of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth).


The information in this website is not intended to be relied upon as advice to investors or potential investors and has been prepared without taking into account personal investment objectives, financial circumstances or particular needs. Recipients of this information are advised to consult their own professional advisers about legal, tax, financial or other matters relevant to the suitability of this information.


Any investment(s) summarised in this website is subject to known and unknown risks, some of which are beyond the control of MacDonald Capital and their directors, employees, advisers or agents. MacDonald Capital does not guarantee any particular rate of return or the performance, nor does MacDonald Capital and its directors personally guarantee the repayment of capital or any particular tax treatment. Past performance is not indicative of future performance.


All investments carry some level of risk, and there is typically a direct relationship between risk and return. We describe what steps we take to mitigate risk (where possible) in the investment documentation, which must be read prior to investing. It is important to note risk cannot be mitigated completely.


Whilst the contents of this website is based on information from sources which MacDonald Capital considers reliable, its accuracy and completeness cannot be guaranteed. Data is not necessarily audited or independently verified. Any opinions reflect MacDonald Capital’s judgment at this date and are subject to change. MacDonald Capital has no obligation to provide revised assessments in the event of changed circumstances. To the extent permitted by law, Boutique Capital, MacDonald Capital and their directors and employees do not accept any liability for the results of any actions taken or not taken on the basis of information in this website, or for any negligent misstatements, errors or omissions.

PRIVACY POLICY: The Privacy Act 1988 governs the use of a person’s personal information and sets out principles governing the ways in which organisations should treat personal information. MacDonald Capital is committed to respecting the privacy of your personal information provided to it in accordance with applicable privacy laws.


By providing information to MacDonald Capital , subscribing to email alerts or contacting the Company via this website you are consenting to the personal information contained therein being transferred within MacDonald Capital and to the Share Registry, MacDonald Capital’s related bodies corporate, agents, contractors and third party service providers (including mailing houses and professional advisors) and to ASX and regulatory authorities. You also consent to such personal information being processed to provide services and appropriate administration for you.


Any information that a third party provides to MacDonald Capital through this website will only be used by MacDonald Capital in response to contact made by you and will not be passed on to any third party.


A person has a right to gain access to the information that MacDonald Capital holds about that person subject to certain exemptions under law. Access requests may be made in writing to MacDonald Capital’s registered office.


COPYRIGHT: This website and all works comprised in it are copyright and no part of it may in any form or by any means (including without limitation, electronic, mechanical, microcopying, photocopying, recording, scanning or otherwise) be modified, reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, published, broadcast, distributed or transmitted without prior written permission of MacDonald Capital. All rights are reserved and no express or implied licence to use any part of these works is granted to any person without the express prior written consent of MacDonald Capital. Any implied licence to use any part of these works is expressly negatived.

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MacDonald Capital Pty Ltd ACN 642 520 474 (MacDonald Capital) is a corporate authorised representative (CAR) (CAR Number 1292288) of Boutique Capital Pty Ltd ACN 621 697 621 (Boutique Capital) AFSL 508011.


Any information or advice is general advice only and has been prepared by MacDonald Capital for individuals identified as wholesale investors for the purposes of providing a financial product or financial service, under Section 761G or Section 761GA of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth). Any information or advice given does not take into account your particular objectives, financial situation or needs and before acting on the advice, you should consider the appropriateness of the advice, having regard to your objectives, financial situation and needs. If any advice relates to the acquisition, or possible acquisition, of a particular financial product you should read any relevant Product Disclosure Statement or like instrument and consult your own professional advisers about legal, tax, financial or other matters relevant to the suitability of this information. 


Any investment(s) summarised are subject to known and unknown risks, some of which are beyond the control of MacDonald Capital and their directors, employees, advisers or agents. MacDonald Capital does not guarantee any particular rate of return or the performance, nor does MacDonald Capital and its directors personally guarantee the repayment of capital or any particular tax treatment. Past performance is not indicative of future performance.


All investments carry some level of risk, and there is typically a direct relationship between risk and return. We describe what steps we take to mitigate risk (where possible) in the investment documentation, which must be read prior to investing. It is important to note that risk cannot be mitigated completely.

Complaints Resolution processes are available here..

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